
Phone +61 488 22 44 16

Are you serious about providing a full product service range for all customers?

LRPM private mortgage lending australia

How Do We Assist You?

PMCS is a private mortgage INVESTOR and manager, preparing due diligence, packaging, settling and continuously managing private first and second mortgages. We are also financial engineers structuring specific circumstances to optimise outcomes. 
We expect
- professional, fully detailed & analysed applications
- sensible locations & LVR

It is not possible for us to set out a precise matrix of pricing. Each stands alone and is a clean canvas. We'll soon let you know whether or not we are interested in proceeding, and will provide a quotation taking into account all of the known circumstances.

So let’s be quite open about this. We only want to see deals that really have a strong presentation with supporting evidence. 

We include you in the process, even to the point of including your letterhead on a conjunctional basis in correspondence. You have a direct involvement in the process. We will include a Settlement Deduction Authority in your favour.

The first part of our service begins with a detailed APPLICATION and the second factor is the "back story". The more we know and understand, the faster the response and easier the due diligence.

If you don't already know PMCS, PLEASE CONTACT US

How Do You Assist Us?

Fill out the Application Form and read the notes.

We need complete transparency, co-operation, sound reasoning and accuracy
when supporting evidence and explanations are sought. 

It's in your best interests.

Ask yourself, "What would this property sell for in 120 days if marketed properly?" That's what it's worth in the private market, and initially, we'll accept your estimate.

What you can then expect is a nimble reaction based on verified, or verifiable facts; subsequent timely attendance to background and supporting material required, and packaging of the final submission for formal response, instruction and overview to settlement.